17 Dining Mistakes You’re Making That You Never Knew About



Going out to dinner isn’t just about the food or the company. You might think it’s all about sitting at the table, eating delicious food, and that’s it, but that’s only just the beginning. Eating out at a restaurant is an experience that involves manners, social graces, and really, what it all boils down to: respect. In fact, you could be acting totally rude at the dinner table without even knowing it.

Right now, you’re probably asking what it is you’re doing wrong. Well, here’s exactly how to fix the 17 dining mistakes you’re making that you never knew about!

1. Wait until everyone is seated and served before you start eating

17 Dining Mistakes You're Making That You Never Knew About

2. Use your utensils from the outside in

17 Dining Mistakes You're Making That You Never Knew About

3. Don’t place items on the table that are unrelated to the meal

17 Dining Mistakes You're Making That You Never Knew About

Keep your phone, keys, and whatever else off the table.

4. Don’t use salt and pepper before you taste your meal

17 Dining Mistakes You're Making That You Never Knew About

Doing this is an insult to the chef.

5. Rubbing your chopsticks is considered rude

17 Dining Mistakes You're Making That You Never Knew About

It’s a sign that you think the establishment is low quality or that their utensils are cheap.


Source: Diply.com ( Co-written by Rozin Abbas)

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