9 câu nói hay về tình yêu – tiếng Anh


Romance is not only about hugs and kisses or candle light dinners… It’s when you make coffee for her when she is feeling tired… Its when you hug her from behind while she is cooking a meal for you… It’s when you surprise her by taking her to watch her favorite play… It’s when you listen to everything she says while watching the game… It’s when you bake a birthday cake for her and buy her something special… Romance is so many things when it’s based on love…


♥  I Love You… You are not the easiest person in the world to love and neither am I… You have habits I wish we could alter and sometimes you say the craziest things, I wonder who you are… but I do the same… You love me like no one ever has and no one else ever could… and I do the same… I love you like no one ever has and I love you like no one ever could…~Karen Kostyla

♥  PAST is past, never bring it in your present or it can ruin it… just leave it there and move forward to a new dawn… where life is waiting for you… where you are not alone… where love is all you get…

♥  A perfect relationship starts when there is no need to compromise, you just fit together like two pieces of a puzzle….Neena Gupta

♥  When a woman loves you, she gives herself completely… she loves with her whole heart and soul…

♥  Knowing that you love me makes me stronger… Knowing you are standing beside me makes me feel capable to conquer anything… Your love makes me stronger… Your love makes me proud.

♥  If you love someone, then tell them… It’s nice to remind them of your love often… Appreciate them… show your love… don’t just beat around the bush… don’t let them assume… be straight forward… Hearts are often broken by words not spoken… don’t wait… whatever you have in your heart… Say it Today…~Neena Gupta

♥  Whenever we feel sad and lonely we only need to look for the person that we trust the most… the one who can hold our broken soul… the one whose one embrace can bring us back to life… the one who can understand our silence even more then our words… the only one who can complete us…

♥  A woman can only feel comfortable with the man she feels safe with. She finds her real self with him. Loving a man and trusting a man to share your heart with are two different things…You can’t share everything with your lover unless he is your best friend…

♥  Because of your love…. I’m not who I used to be… You helped me grow and now I am following my dreams and living a new life… ~Karen Kostyla

Songs from MUSIC and LYRICS
1. Don’t write me of just yet (Hugh Grant )
2. Way Back Into Love (Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore)

Nguồn: vinaAspire

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