English Topic – FACEBOOK



If you check FACEBOOK for 15 minutes each morning, then check it again for 15 minutes during lunch and 15 minutes before you go to bed, then add five minutes here and there when you’re at work, then count distraction and refocusing time, you will lose at least half a day every week.
=> Facebook is a big time waster

But, are there any advantages of facebook?

Questions for discussion:

1/ Are you now a member of Facebook? What’s your nickname so that I could add you as a friend?
2/ How often do you log in to Facebook in a day? What do you often do there?
3/ What have you learned or experienced from Facebook since you used it?
4/ What’s the difference between friends on Facebook and friends in reality?
5/ What are the pros and cons of using Facebook? Is it addictive? Are you addicted to it?
6/ What would you like Facebook to do differently?


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