Good day to you! Let’s talk about TIME MANAGEMENT today!

Cac nha lanh dao su dung thoi gian the nao


  1. 1.      Do you manage your time effectively?
  2. 2.      Do you agree with two following sentences? Time is gold.  Your time is limited, don’t waste it to live someone else’s life.
  3. 3.      In your idea, how to use our time effectively?
  4. 4.      What do you do when someone else is late and prevents you from accomplishing your task?
  5. 5.      If you have six tasks for the day and you know you can only complete three, how do you determine which one you do first?
  6. 6.      When you know you have a huge deadline coming up, how do you prepare?
  7. 7.      How do you handle a situation where a chatty co-worker starts talking to you right when you need to finish a project?
  8. 8.      How important is balancing your job with your off time? What do you do when you feel like you’re getting burned out at work?

POSEC – POS English Club


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